Abu Dabbab

Abu Dabbab

Abu Dabbab

The dive site is a sandy bay with no current and maximum depth of around 18 metres. This means its suitable for both experienced and beginner divers. It’s also perfect for non-divers as the shallow waters allows you to see everything while snorkelling on the surface. The shore entry enables everyone on the trip to experience the underwater wonders together making it the perfect choice for families or those seeking the thrill of diving with large marine life.

There are rock formations on the outer perimeters of the bay which houses many brightly coloured and beautiful marine life. If you’re lucky you might even find the rare thorny seahorse or the Hairy Pygmy Pipehorse! Underwater photographers will be in their element and their only worry will be “will my battery last”.

Abu Dabbab is a three hour drive south of Hurghada towards Marsa Alam. This requires a slightly earlier start that normal to make sure you arrive at the best time. Don’t worry, you’ll be transported to and from the site in our air conditioned minibus so you can catch up on sleep on the way there and back. 


  • 2 Dives in Abu Dabbab
  • Transfer
  • Lunch and snacks
  • Water
  • Equipment


€ 110
€ 110