Tauchbasis Hurghada

Terms & Conditions

Dear customers,

in the following you will find our General Terms and Conditions (GTC). Please read them carefully, as they contain information about the relationship and obligations between you and Tauchbasis Hurghada.

General terms and conditions

1. Registration and booking
1.1 With your booking, you offer Tauchbasis Hurghada the binding conclusion of a booking contract. The registration can be made online (via our homepage), in writing, verbally or by telephone. In the case of online bookings, the binding offer of the booking contract is made with confirmation by e-mail. 

1.2 If you do not have our booking and/or payment conditions, we will send them to you on request.

1.3 Booked services are only transferable with the consent of Tauchbasis Hurghada.

2. Payment
2.1 Unless otherwise agreed, payment shall be made in full at the latest upon booking on our homepage or before the service is used on site.

2.2 In the event of a delay in payment, Tauchbasis Hurghada is entitled to withdraw from the booked service. 

3. Services and prices
3.1 The content of the booked services is limited to the use and practice of diving. There is no entitlement to any additional services. Additional agreements require written confirmation.

3.2 The service begins and ends at the times stated in the booking. Other times require written confirmation.

3.3 The prices stated on our homepage shall apply. All prices include statutory tax. 

4. Changes in services and prices
4.1 Changes or deviations of individual booking components from the agreed content of the booking contract which become necessary after conclusion of the contract and which were not caused by us are only permitted insofar as the changes and deviations are not significant and do not affect the scope of the booked service.

5 Withdrawal and rebooking
5.1 Both you and Tauchbasis Hurghada can withdraw from the booking contracts at any time. The withdrawal is made online, in writing or by e-mail with a clear declaration of withdrawal. The date of receipt of your declaration of withdrawal by Tauchbasis Hurghada is decisive for the date of withdrawal.

5.2 If you withdraw from your booking contract, we are entitled to charge reasonable compensation for the arrangements made and expenses incurred. When calculating the compensation, we will usually take into account saved expenses and other possible uses of the booking service.

5.3 The amount of the calculated compensation is based on the booking price and is calculated as follows for each booked guest according to the time of the cancellation declaration: 

Up to 20 days before the booked service 20% of the booking amount.
Up to 15 days before the booked service 50% of the booking amount.
Up to 3 days before the booked service 80% of the booking amount.

In the event of cancellation at short notice or in the event of non-utilisation without notice of cancellation, the replacement service corresponds to the booking amount in full.

5.4 A premature termination of the booked service as well as a lapse of the claim shall not be deemed a withdrawal. In this case, the invoice amount shall be paid in full.

5.5 Separate contractual cancellation conditions shall apply with priority.

6. Health requirements
6.1 Every diver is obliged to provide proof of a valid medical diving fitness examination. After the expiry of the diving fitness, diving is prohibited.

7. General conditions / participation in diving activities
7.1 The consumption of alcohol and other intoxicants before and during diving is prohibited. Non-compliance will result in immediate exclusion.

7.2 During diving courses and guided dives, the instructions of the diving instructor or guide must be followed. In case of non-compliance, the respective diving instructor or diving guide is entitled to immediately exclude the participant or to immediately abort the dive. Any expenses incurred, including the cost of replacing the services of other participants, such as their costs for the respective dive, will be charged to the party responsible.

7.3 The instructions of the staff of Dive Centre Hurghada must be followed. In the event of non-compliance, a temporary or permanent ban from the premises may be imposed.

8. data protection
8.1 The collection and processing of all personal data is carried out according to the German legal data protection regulations. Only those personal data are collected that are necessary for the processing of your booking. Our employees are bound by us to maintain data secrecy. You can object to the further use of your personal data for advertising purposes and/or the forwarding of this data for advertising purposes at any time by notifying Tauchbasis Hurghada. Upon receipt of your objection, we will immediately stop sending you any further advertising material and/or will no longer pass on your data for advertising purposes.