Tauchbasis Hurghada Courses

PADI Wreck Diver Specialty Course

PADI Wreck Diver Specialty Course

€ 145 BOOK NOW
  • Duration :1 Day
  • Equipment :Included
  • Requirements :If you've earned the PADI Adventure Diver rating or higher, and you're at least 15 years old, you can enrol in the PADI Wreck Diver course.


Whether sunk on purpose as an artificial reef or the result of a disaster, wrecks open intriguing windows to the past. Most divers find wrecked ships and vessel’s fascinating and enjoy unlocking the mysteries they have to offer. They are also usually teeming with aquatic life so are perfect dive sites for the keen underwater naturalists or photographers. The PADI Wreck Diver course teaches you the fundamentals of responsible wreck diving and how to access things others may overlook. Sometimes, only the trained, experienced eye recognises what caused a vessel’s demise.


What you’ll learn


The PADI Wreck diving specialty introduces the fundamentals of limited wreck penetration with line laying techniques. Navigating around and inside wrecks is particularly important as low visibility, silt and poor light penetration mean buoyancy, trim and finning techniques are incredibly important.

With the emphasis on safety, with your PADI Instructor you’ll cover:


  • Techniques for diving exploring and navigating shipwrecks
  • How to avoid common hazards and deal with challenging situations.
  • How to research and learn the background of your favourite wrecks.
  • Mapping and measuring wrecks.
  • Wreck diving equipment considerations.
  • Considerations and techniques for entering/penetrating intact wrecks.
  • Experience in planning, organising and making at least four wreck dives under the supervision of your PADI Instructor.


The Scuba Gear You Will Use


All the equipment you will need is provided for the PADI Wreck Diver Specialty. You'll use all the basic scuba gear including a mask and snorkel, fins, a wetsuit, a buoyancy compensating jacket (BCD) that carries the scuba tank, a scuba regulator to breathe from and gauges to monitor depth and air supply. Your PADI instructor will also provide you with a dive computer and navigation lines/measures which are necessary for the course.

Continue The Adventure ...

Many shipwrecks are often found in deeper water. That’s why the PADI Wreck Diver course is a natural companion to the PADI Deep Diver course. Other training to consider is the PADI Enriched Air Diver course to extend your bottom time or the PADI Underwater Photographer Specialty to help you capture more vivid and artistic images.


  • PADI Wreck Diver course materials
  • PADI certification fee
  • PADI Dive Instructor
  • Dive equipment
  • 4 training dives
  • Transfer from and to your hotel to the marina for the dives
  • Lunch when on the boat
  • Hot and cold beverages when on the boat
  • Marine Park fees where applicable