Tauchbasis Hurghada Courses

PADI Sidemount Diver Specialty Course

PADI Sidemount Diver Specialty Course

€ 320 BOOK NOW
  • Duration :2 Day
  • Equipment :Included
  • Requirements :You must be a PADI Open Water Diver or PADI Junior Open Water Diver and be at least 15 years old to participate in the PADI Sidemount Diver Specialty.


You’ll have most likely learned to dive in the normal fashion with a single tank on your back. But having scuba tanks on your back isn’t a requirement for exploring the underwater world. The PADI Sidemount Diver Specialty will teach you the fundamentals of diving with one, two or more scuba tanks mounted down your side instead of on your back.


People often ask, why dive sidemount? Those that have experienced this style of diving list the benefits as:


  • An alternate and often easier way to streamline in the water. You will feel free and less restricted.
  • Increased air supply without overloading your body with cumbersome and heavy dive equipment.
  • Enables easier equipment transportation, more relaxed entries and exits as well as reducing strain on the body.
  • Increases safety with a redundant air source and allows incredibly easy access to your air supply.


What you’ll learn


The PADI Sidemount Diver Specialty teaches you about the many benefits of diving with a sidemount configuration.

During one confined water and three open water scuba dives you’ll learn how to:


  • Properly assemble and configure sidemount scuba diving equipment.
  • Trim your weight system and sidemount gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water.
  • Manage air by switching second stages as planned, if wearing two cylinders.
  • Understand the planning considerations and safety concerns for sidemount diving
  • Respond correctly to potential problems when sidemount diving.


The Scuba Gear You Will Use


All the equipment you will need is provided for the PADI Sidemount Diver Specialty. You'll use all the basic scuba gear including a mask and snorkel, fins, a wetsuit, a buoyancy compensating jacket (BCD) that carries the scuba tank, a scuba regulator to breathe from and gauges to monitor depth and air supply. Your PADI instructor will provide the necessary sidemout configuration for the tanks.


Continue The Adventure...


Sidemount and drift diving are perfect partners. Now that you have earned your PADI Sidemount Diver certification why not continue your learning journey with the PADI Drift Diver Specialty. This will teach you principals of diving with the flow of the current and help you enjoy your diving even more than you already do.



  • PADI Sidemount Diver course materials
  • PADI certification fee
  • PADI Dive Instructor
  • Dive equipment
  • 4 training dives
  • Transfer from and to your hotel to the marina for the dives
  • Lunch when on the boat
  • Hot and cold beverages when on the boat
  • Marine Park fees where applicable