Tauchbasis Hurghada Courses

PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Course

PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty Course

€ 145 BOOK NOW
  • Duration :1 Day
  • Equipment :Included
  • Requirements :You must be a PADI Open Water Diver or PADI Junior Open Water Diver and be at least 10 years old to participate in the PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty.


Most of us can identify ‘Nemo’ the Clown Fish thanks to Disney Pixar! However, the ocean is home to thousands of species of marine life, but how many could you correctly identify? When diving we observe marine life of all shapes, sizes and colours but as divers, it’s important we know the basics as the pretty ones could be ones that we need extra caution!


The PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty, is designed to help you learn and recognise what types of fish you see and reference the exact species after your scuba dive.


Could you identify the common Red Sea marine life below?


  • Sergeant Major – Distinctive black and white/yellow stripes.
  • Bat Fish – Flat bodies, inquisitive and playful.
  • Flute Fish – Long, thin, and glistening sliver.
  • Acropora Coral – Grows in plates or branches.


Could you identify these species that need more respect?


  • Scorpion Fish – Camouflage specialist with venomous spines.
  • Lion Fish – One of the most serene and beautiful but also most venomous.
  • Trigger Fish – Notoriously aggressive when defending their home or young.
  • Fire Coral – Masks itself as other types of coral but delivers as painful rash when touched.


If not, then the PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty could be beneficial for you!


What you’ll learn


During the two scuba dives on the PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty, you’ll learn:


  • The Project AWARE philosophy and worldwide aquatic ecosystem protection.
  • Fish family groupings and common characteristics of fish species found in the local area.
  • Different types of marine habitats.
  • Fish survey techniques and strategies.
  • Fish identification dive planning, organisation and procedures.


The Scuba Gear You Will Use


All the equipment you will need is provided for the PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty. You'll use all the basic scuba gear including a mask and snorkel, fins, a wetsuit, a buoyancy compensating jacket (BCD) that carries the scuba tank, a scuba regulator to breathe from and gauges to monitor depth and air supply. Your PADI instructor will also share with you a card or booklet detailing the common marine life in that area.

Continue The Adventure...

With your newfound knowledge of marine life why not put it to the test! Capture some underwater pictures of your favourite creatures and see if you can identify them once you are back on land. To help you with your underwater photography skills you could participate in the PADI Underwater Photographer Specialty to help you capture more vivid and artistic images.


  • PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification course materials
  • PADI certification fee
  • PADI Dive Instructor
  • Dive equipment
  • 2 training dives
  • Transfer from and to your hotel to the marina for the dives
  • Lunch when on the boat
  • Hot and cold beverages when on the boat
  • Marine Park fees where applicable